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(y/n) ";:Q$:Q$ Q$"N"Q$"n"Q$(27)āI05:NW(I)OLD(I)::7906 Q$"Y"Q$"y"ĺ(7):520H &14:N1:4300x 0NN0:14:I1PCT(0):XPCT(I):" OFF "::20:EP:" ARROWS highlight drive":" SPACE select highlighted drive":" ESCAPE cancel changes":" RETURN save new settings"<D"Choose drives in your desired sequence.";:20:ZNNNNN(NNPCT(0))1:610tXNNNN1PCT(0)(NN1)~b4100lKB,128:KS,0:KN(KB)vKN27500KN10KN21İ4000:590KN11KN8İ4000:600KN32İ4400:U620KN32Uİ4000:710&KN13İ4000:740JKN((KN)):KN0KNPCT(0)620Z4000:NNKNgNT(N)NN(13NN)::" ON #"N;::XPCT(NN):4200:NN1:NPCT(0)ī61020:EP22:"Are these settings correct? (y/n)";:Q$: 20:EP:Q$(13)750"Q$"Y"Q$"y"550Q NW(0)N1:N1āI1N1:NW(I)PCT(NT(I)):I05:DBI,NW(I)::Store Data to Write to PCT WR:Write data to PCT*Q$"Y"Q$"y"200044500:Check for modified ProDOS > v1.5 of AEPC.DISKS>S2000>H22:"Use these settings at boot time? (y/n) ";:Q$:Q$^R10::Q$"Y"Q$"y"2000p\S1Q1:920yf:3pI1S::(I)") Slot "SL(I)":"P$(I):z22:"Select ProDOS Volume for settings:";:Q$:Q$Q(Q$):Q$(27)2000Q1QSĺ(7):890TS$"prodos"|I05:8696I,NW(I)::Store Data in AEPC.DISKS portion of ProDOS modified by PCINSTALL1000LĺD$"unlock"TS$",s"SL(Q)D$"bsave prodos,tsys,a$21f8,b$1F8,l6,s"SL(Q)LĺD$"lock"TS$",s"SL(Q)0216,0:20:EL:"Saved to "P$(Q)" in slot "SL(Q):2000?216,0:ER[E(222):E10L1:940SS$"'"TS$"'":Q$"Cannot save the file "SS$E4Q$"The disk is WRITE-PROTECTED"E9Q$"The volume is FULL"20:Q$:2000LER:216,0-W20:"No boot-up settings. "PX$" is off-line."l22:"Quit to ProDOS OR Exit to BASIC? (p/b) "(8);:Q$:Q$"P"Q$"p"ĺD$"bye"Q$"B"Q$"b"2050Q$(27)2060(7):2000D$"pr#0"::38400:: D$"pr#0"::38400:(13NN):XPCT(NN):4200:9(13NN):XPCT(NN)::4200::eh10:X129ĺ"APPLE DISK 3.5 #";:XX129rX64ĺ"TRANSPORTER RAMDRIVE":|X31ĺ"360K TRANSDRIVE #";:XX31X:I1PCT(0):XPCT(I):9);:4200::EP:0U0:CU0:CUCU1:CUNıDNNNT(CU)U1%N4410-S0BI711:4600o20:D$"bload ProDOS,tsys,a$2000,l10,s"ITED0:((8199)256(8198)336)4610: Version 1.4 or beforeI113:(8194I1)(("TED",1,I1))TED1:TED4610216,0D$"prefix,s"I:D$"prefix":P$OSS1:SL(S)I:P$(S)P$:ProDOS w/AEPC.DISKSY4610aERn216,0:t D24,144,6,24,144,44,24,144,67,173,0,3,141,38,3,141,64,3,141,90,3,141,119,3,8,120,44,255,207,44,0,193,169,221,141,6,207,160,5,185,1,204,153,1,3,136,16,247,40,96,8,120,44,255,207,44,0,193,169,221,141,6,207160,5,185,1,3,153,1,204,136,16,247,40,96,8,120,44,255,207,173,255,193,141,118,3,169,214,141,15,207,169,128,141,15,206,169,0,133,66,173,0,3,10,10,10,10,133,67,32,0,193,40,963216,72,41,64,208,4,104,76,240,253,104,41,223,76,240,253LG A Lh    L H  h LBA/Ƚ %   `Xo`  ` `  AEPC.SYSTEMLQlAK$0i- F)lLEk TEl H9l8 h F $HA _?x F F0ϩ.ϩ&ϩC$x ϩ֍ϩ ϩ܍ϩxD$~"I PCxH$I$ oX e x " M I +B g P nG F FX `1 8 J `@ 8 g U " 12)  9Bxw2)М 8󩀍0 8`888!888888888888 888888888`1υ]_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~vu)i*"t*,1.#".$" t$vp2`p/D"q/E"t $vPvtL"`KHxW",ϲl0ύV" 1ϩ 0W"h("}"KHxW",ϲlV"),I1I,0h(kJ$4` # ] E w< .0 > IJ$ J$ #Lo#$x0ύT$ F F $Hv$$ # K$J$M$ #hhhLN $y$ $y$ $Hv$1lLEH#TEI#H9l h e1l #T$) I 0ϭT$)1(U$`T$j0)Нk$o$1j,xrH .c(T$k$o$j) j(T$ nGU$`ϩϩ ϩnIoS$ϱnϊnoS$멂ϱnϊn`"COPYRIGHT 1987 LITTLE BLUE LIMITED @y$$ VERSION 2.00 30-NOV-89 && [%O7) % % &LN && [%/D) % % :U) 9 &RALN &L%&&&h%h%h&h&H&H % |& % %%H%HL9%%UU`&&L9& g&**& g&***L9 && [%K) % :s) 9 & &&&&` && [%?D) % % :) 9 &C R &L% &8L%)'8)+0H g&4)5)**h-)s@H G&F&h`h*`HJJJJ s&h) 0:i`H7&0 u;8 8'7 8 B;h7L2;&0 u;` m6a `)))***,*>*P*b*v*,'F'`'t'''''''( ((-(T(d(|((((((( )Buffer deallocation errorNo disk buffers availableNEC emulation errorFormatting to no avail.Non-DMA mode setNon-DMA data transferCannot find/load BIOSSlot number errorInterrupt service errorKey table errorNo Ack.Internal Error.DMA Sense Change.&Unrecognized/Unimplemented Port AccessNOT IMPLEMENTEDBuffer allocation errorNo space for DriverHandler port already in useConfig File Read Error (No Loaded Drivers)Driver Menu ErrorMenu Table ErrorWrong file type!Config File Incompatible W/System ERROR #XX FATAL ERROR:ERROR: WARNING: Press R to retry, A to abort.Press any key to continue. 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The first choice, use the 8086 settings, could. 0?cause problems because of the differences of the hardware being. 0Demulated. If the modem doesn't respond in this setting, then choose. 0=the other setting, which forces the modem control lines true.;(Q0#Current Select for Control Lines =  @ Forced to 8086 settings' '0Set All Lines True'GS Serial: COM2 Driver V1.3COM2,  7I?`8  8` 8`L Щ`     I  j j@ @{LҍL ƍ ȌӍL%Ǎ ) )IJ ԍLPȍ )i L L ) )  j j  jР j j   j j  j jʍʍ`)   )   j)L   j )  j `    j` 88L99` 88L99`x ).&8 j `ͳδ(`x H)h(` h )p0 j ͵ (``  +8)`ʹ)̷L?` )`H̶ε) ?h`  `HhHJJJ)J) hJJ) )  )a ` OH) h`xJjjjj)(   )( 0 MJJJJ ) (`)?) L) ) LML)@)@JJ )   j0L 0H h))  )   j)/) )   j)?  j)8JJJ) )   jL)) )}   j. &)jj)  )m   jL`L` `) ?`HH j8 j j jhh` O  x)WR))p-)-) )`))()  L(8```l*l0l:dY`@0   x8(`@ `LGS COM2 HANDLER: NOT GS OR NOT SELECTED THE COM2 PORT WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.KGS COM2 HANDLER: SLOT # INCORRECT(1,2) THE COM2 PORT WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.COPYRIGHT LITTLE BLUE LTD., 1987EEEEE62 H) 1 h8`h)`^ej''"8'18&&A @&&=0 PARITY - &',.0+Super Serial Card COM1 Handler - SETUP MENU789LO9MA:;0'Data Length, Stop Bits, and Parity Menu'0Control Lines Menu',. &.&789S9L9C@7A @. 0PC Transporter Menu Settings8 9B_9Du9P;- O(/O0%Current Select for Data Parameters = A@7A0Use Switch Settings'0Use Settings From 8086'0%Use Settings From PC Transporter Menu'0Set Baud Rate - &'0 Set Data Length and Stop Bits - &='0 Set Parity - &'A',.0Baud Rate Selection.0Current Baud Rate = &78A:"  C;C'C&"0 Baud'nsx~     0Illegal Baud Rate Setting'050'075'0110'0134.5'0150'0300'0600'01200'01800'02400'03600'04800'07200'09600'019200',.0#Data Length and Stop Bits Selection.0Current Setting = &=78A:8A  B;B'B8765/0 Data Bits, r01u020 Stop Bits',.0Parity Selection.0Current Setting = &789N9O%9E+9M29S9DD;D'D%+29D0NONE'0ODD'0EVEN'0MARK'0SPACE',.&:.&789L9C@!. 0DThis menu is for deciding how the control lines for the Super Serial. 0CCard should be set. The first choice, use the 8086 settings, could. 0?cause problems because of the differences of the hardware being. 0Demulated. If the modem doesn't respond in this setting, then choose. 0=the other setting, which forces the modem control lines true.;(A0#Current Select for Control Lines = ?@!?Forced to 8086 settings'?'0Set All Lines True'#Super Serial Card: COM1 Driver V1.3COM1B  lAww@ `@ , ;ϩ 1   .` 8`246<973`5-xϭ, ;, A50 ;B8jjjj CDJjjj L; p)ߙ) ( ˍˍ`-/;) /`lx;)/)';5 `5͍Ύ(`x;H)h(`)h5 5͏ (`48`< 15 5+5)`͎5)5̑33Lw48`33< 5)51`H̐Ώ5)5 wh`33  <5`HhH ) +h)J ++)  ++5)a +5` YH)733 h`x<6Jjjjj)(  0;0 )I 0+M7JJJJ 7) +7(`)?+5) +5L)+< 7) +7L+M4`0;)@0+)@ )/A 7)/L/ AM0 +0H h+0)+I /) /0)8+ )0) 0+4L)6;) <)4<?/)+6) ++6) +) L+) +L49`2L49` 2`3) w33`HH98 "649 8 ;/) /hh`8 8+9,88 /9,0 м/+б;)* Y  *)x3)W2R))-2)-5) 5)`)7)36()  L()8```l*l0l:EY`@0   ҀDSSC COM1 HANDLER: SSC NOT FOUND THE COM1 PORT WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.ҍCOPYRIGHT LITTLE BLUE LTD., 1987#####ww8`h)`<CH''"'1&& @&&0 PARITY - &',.0+Super Serial Card COM2 Handler - SETUP MENU789L-9M;0'Data Length, Stop Bits, and Parity Menu'0Control Lines Menu',. &.&789S9L9C@ @. 0PC Transporter Menu Settings8 9B=9DS9P`y;  -( -0%Current Select for Data Parameters = @0Use Switch Settings'0Use Settings From 8086'0%Use Settings From PC Transporter Menu'0Set Baud Rate - &'0 Set Data Length and Stop Bits - &'0 Set Parity - &'',.0Baud Rate Selection.0Current Baud Rate = &78A:  !;!'!&0 Baud'LQV\djpv }    0Illegal Baud Rate Setting'050'075'0110'0134.5'0150'0300'0600'01200'01800'02400'03600'04800'07200'09600'019200',.0#Data Length and Stop Bits Selection.0Current Setting = &78A:   ; ' 8765/0 Data Bits, P01S020 Stop Bits',.0Parity Selection.0Current Setting = &789N9O9E 9M9S"";`"'" "0NONE'0ODD'0EVEN'0MARK'0SPACE',.&.&789L9C@. 0DThis menu is for deciding how the control lines for the Super Serial. 0CCard should be set. The first choice, use the 8086 settings, could. 0?cause problems because of the differences of the hardware being. 0Demulated. If the modem doesn't respond in this setting, then choose. 0=the other setting, which forces the modem control lines true.;(0#Current Select for Control Lines = @Forced to 8086 settings''0Set All Lines True'#Super Serial Card: COM2 Driver V1.3COM2u   JwUU `   ϩ 1    ` 8`` hjikmlxϭ    50  8jjjj !"Jjjj Ld p)ߙ) ( ʍʍ`  ) `lx)/l'k `kokkl(`xH)h(`hphp nmmm hhh(``  +j)`lol)ojLU` )`ipHminim) Uh`  `ipHphH ) h)J  ) p  )a ` 7H) h`xJjjjj)(   )I 0 MJJJJ ) (`)? ) L)  ) L M`)@0 )@ )  ) L  M 0H h ) I ) )8  ))  L)) )4/) )  ) ) L ) L`L` `) U`HH"64  ) hh`8  8  0 м  б) 7  x)WR)ip)-)-) )`))()  L(8```l*l0l:#Y`@0   DSSC COM2 HANDLER: SSC NOT FOUND THE COM2 PORT WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.COPYRIGHT LITTLE BLUE LTD., 1987:::::nMMOH)ϭ8h8`h)`SZ_''"'1&1~ @&Y&'0$Apple Com. Card Data Parameters Menu',. &.&1789Ll9C@~ @. 0PC Transporter Menu Settings8 9B9D;p (e0%Current Select for Data Parameters = ~@l~0Use Settings From 8086'0%Use Settings From PC Transporter Menu'0Set Baud Rate - &Y'0(Set Data Length, Stop Bits, and Parity -. &'~',.0Baud Rate Selection.0Current Baud Rate = &Y78A:Th  9;'&h0 Baud'0Illegal Baud Rate Setting'0110'0300',.0,Data Length, Stop Bits, and Parity Selection.0Current Parameter Setting = &78A:"  ;'&"'YCk0Illegal Baud Rate Setting'0%7 Data bits, 2 Stop Bits, Even Parity'0$7 Data bits, 2 Stop Bits, Odd Parity'0%7 Data bits, 1 Stop Bits, Even Parity'0$7 Data bits, 1 Stop Bits, Odd Parity'0#8 Data bits, 2 Stop Bits, No Parity'0#8 Data bits, 1 Stop Bits, No Parity'0%8 Data bits, 1 Stop Bits, Even Parity'0$8 Data bits, 1 Stop Bits, Odd Parity'!Apple Com. Card: COM1 Driver V1.3COM16eVu@ A AED`o  nϩ8  JMN D8`uwy}|zpv`xnl~0' lnLB llˍˍ J`xn)/*kNnx `x(`xnH)h(`knhx x (`w{`} tx x+Nx)`x)xvvLw{`vv} x)xt`Hx)x h`vv  }x`HhHJ)qhHJJJJ) qqhJJJJ) qq)  qqx)a qx` \H)zvv h`x}yJjjjj)(  qMzJJJJ z) qz(`)?qx) qxL)q} z) qzLqMw`s)@&nq)@l `lLl)nl~0L<sq0 s)?-q)?OL<l)l] llnqwL)y)}Lw|`uLw|` u`v) vv`HH{ɀ |L|Bm hh`nl) ml`k \  xv)WuR))-u)-x) x)`)z)vy()  GL8(k8```l*l0l: '7#3 À€DACC COM1 HANDLER: ACC NOT FOUND THE COM1 PORT WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.COPYRIGHT LITTLE BLUE LTD., 1987#####{W6688`h)`<CH''"}'1}&g @&B&'0$Apple Com. Card Data Parameters Menu',. &.&789LU9C@ng @. 0PC Transporter Menu Settings8 9B9D;Y (N0%Current Select for Data Parameters = g@nUg0Use Settings From 8086'0%Use Settings From PC Transporter Menu'0Set Baud Rate - &B'0(Set Data Length, Stop Bits, and Parity -. &'g',.0Baud Rate Selection.0Current Baud Rate = &B78A:=Q  "i;i'i&Q0 Baud'v|0Illegal Baud Rate Setting'0110'0300',.0,Data Length, Stop Bits, and Parity Selection.0Current Parameter Setting = &78A:   i;h'h& 'Bj,T0Illegal Baud Rate Setting'0%7 Data bits, 2 Stop Bits, Even Parity'0$7 Data bits, 2 Stop Bits, Odd Parity'0%7 Data bits, 1 Stop Bits, Even Parity'0$7 Data bits, 1 Stop Bits, Odd Parity'0#8 Data bits, 2 Stop Bits, No Parity'0#8 Data bits, 1 Stop Bits, No Parity'0%8 Data bits, 1 Stop Bits, Even Parity'0$8 Data bits, 1 Stop Bits, Odd Parity'!Apple Com. Card: COM2 Driver V1.3COM2tN?^) * *.{-`X  Wϩ8  367 -8`^`bfecY_`aWUg0'h UWiLB UUʍʍ 3`xW)/*T7Wa `aͲγ(`xWH)h(`TWha aʹ (``d`f ]a a+7a)`ͳa)a̶__L`d`__f a)a]`H̵δa)a h`__  fa`HhHJ)ZhHJJJJ) ZZhJJJJ) ZZ)  ZZa)a Za` EH)c__ h`xfbJjjjj)(  ZMcJJJJ c) Zc(`)?Za) ZaL)Zf c) ZcLZM``\)@&WZ)@U `ULU)WUg0L%\Z0 u\)?-Z)?8L%U)UF UUWZ`L)b)fL`e`^L`e` ^`_) __`HHdɀ eLeBV hh`WU) VU`T E  x_)W^R))-^)-a) a)`)c)_b()  0L!(T8```l*l0l:j '7#3 ĠӀ̀DACC COM1 HANDLER: ACC NOT FOUND THE COM1 PORT WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.COPYRIGHT LITTLE BLUE LTD., 1987 >>>>>H)8 x8(h8`h)`W^c''"'1&VR @&&0 PARITY - &m'0(GS Serial Port LPT1 Data Parameters Menu',. &.&V789S,9C@,R @C. 0PC Transporter Menu Settings8 9B19DO9P;Q (C0%Current Select for Data Parameters = R@R0$Use Settings From IIGS Control Panel'0%Use Settings From PC Transporter Menu'0Set Baud Rate - &'0 Set Data Length and Stop Bits - &'0 Set Parity - &m'R',.0Baud Rate Selection.0Current Baud Rate = &78A:  qS;1S'S&0 Baud'   $ + 2 9@G0Illegal Baud Rate Setting'050'075'0110'0134.5'0150'0300'0600'01200'01800'02400'03600'04800'07200'09600'019200',.0#Data Length and Stop Bits Selection.0Current Setting = &78A:  U;OU'U8765/0 Data Bits, 01020 Stop Bits',.0Parity Selection.0Current Setting = &m789Nh9Oh9EhTbT;T'TT0NONE'0ODD'0EVEN'@GS Serial: LPT1 Driver V1.3LPT1D `P miP8  8` 8`PL$= 8өKLMGHQDEF P I   @ERLPLƍ= 8ȌVPLǍ= 8) X)IJ XXPLȍ= 8)iW 0LTWUXSV 0Ҡ  F F  D D  `X)  EEW) EE X)L`[ F F  ) DD VI(J `M7HHO   ! )  )MK hh`G`\]JHJG  M\)K\) L\H]`lHH 8I J  hh` \)$O   \) MJI@ ]@]Z Z)p ] ]L0 ] L`P 88L99`P 88L99`YHO   ) )h Y```l*l0Y`@0   x8(`ҠӀ@COPYRIGHT LITTLE BLUE LTD., 1987LGS LPT1 HANDLER: NOT GS OR NOT SELECTED THE LPT1 PORT WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.KGS LPT1 HANDLER: SLOT # INCORRECT(1,2) THE LPT1 PORT WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.EEEEEhH) 1 h8`h)`^ej''"'1&` @&&0 PARITY - &x'0+Super Serial Card LPT1 Data Parameters Menu',. &.&`789S%9C@% @M. 0PC Transporter Menu Settings8 9B*9DH9P; (-0%Current Select for Data Parameters = @0Use Switch Settings'0%Use Settings From PC Transporter Menu'0Set Baud Rate - &'0 Set Data Length and Stop Bits - &'0 Set Parity - &x'',.0Baud Rate Selection.0Current Baud Rate = &78A:  j;*'&0 Baud'    $ + 29@0Illegal Baud Rate Setting'050'075'0110'0134.5'0150'0300'0600'01200'01800'02400'03600'04800'07200'09600'019200',.0#Data Length and Stop Bits Selection.0Current Setting = &78A:  ;H'8765/0 Data Bits, 01020 Stop Bits',.0Parity Selection.0Current Setting = &x789Ns9Os9Es9Ms9Ssm;'0NONE'0ODD'0EVEN'0MARK'0SPACE'@#Super Serial Card: LPT1 Driver V1.3LPT1Wr)`8``JJ T)) `l)"  )@ JI@ @)  L) `` mUiV  ϩ 1    8`ϭ  o8jjjj Jjjj `l4HH  )@) hh`l0l:H)@)h```l*!РCOPYRIGHT LITTLE BLUE LTD., 1987DSSC LPT1 HANDLER: SSC NOT FOUND THE LPT1 PORT WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.<<<<<e!H)H X h8`h)`U[`d''"g'1g''@PIC/UPIC: LPT1 Driver V1.3LPT1{`JJ  )) `l@JI@  `` mi  H X  8` `,)HHx( hh`Hh```l*l0l:COPYRIGHT LITTLE BLUE LTD., 1987Printer card not PIC/UPIC.>>>>>gKH)  h8`h)`W]bf''"i'1i''@Grappler +: LPT1 Driver V1.3LPT1 `JJ  )) `lJ@JI@ ) `` mi      8` `,!HHx(J hh`HJh```l*l0l:COPYRIGHT LITTLE BLUE LTD., 1987GGRAPP LPT1 HANDLER: GRAPP NOT FOUND THE LPT1 PORT WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE>>>>>g@H)  h8`h)`W]bf''"i'1i''@GraphiCard: LPT1 Driver V1.3LPT1z`JJ  )) `l)@JI@  `` mi      8` `,"HHx() hh`H)h```l*l0l:ЀрCOPYRIGHT LITTLE BLUE LTD., 1987HGRAPH LPT1 HANDLER: GRAPH NOT FOUND THE LPT1 PORT WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE. :::::cH)ϩ8h8`h)`SY^b''"e'1e'''Apple Mouse: MSC Com2 Mouse Driver V1.3MOUSEimEgZh`  ϱ8  8`     x xx xx xx ( `%))  `x x) LHx8  L 8I  L@I ) ) ) LtI-  xx (     ` `ϩ  `Hh`h``)  ` ``````)$         )  `)`Hh`h``````l*l0l2l6l::COPYRIGHT LITTLE BLUE LTD., 1987DMOUSE HANDLER: MOUSE CARD NOT FOUND THE MOUSE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.%MOUSEm"h!) 'IW2EMULm%2h!) #$:::::c224H)ϩ8h8`h)`SY^b''"e'1e''"Apple Mouse: Bus Mouse Driver V1.3MOUSE< =>"?`7 9 8ϱ8 /23 #8`54 /`5L`x )x7:) LXx7878 @:)ɀ@ :) ?L:) ) (L ,) ) -L ) L) $5x7x  &(`6`6`44`ލ4``0L;45x xx xx x7x (;)6`6 &L )L * & " ) 5L5``:ϩ989:  /```l*l0l2l6l:<DMOUSE HANDLER: MOUSE CARD NOT FOUND THE MOUSE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.ӠӠCOPYRIGHT LITTLE BLUE LTD., 1987&'()G2i8`7=BF''"I'1I''#IW2: IBM Graphics Ptr Emulator V1.3IBM Graphics Printer` mi`[* [ , i 8``8`H hlLL%,L𲰦𯐠 8 (EJOЄ Є 8` o `  M `ѩQ.N%LH h ȱ  8`H h 8`l (L8`X&y̍>ũ(м . 8`,   0LLiH h  L II, .m  0L   L4  j,   & <   Lr8`18BL14LLV  Hh 0LV .   0`   0 Hh 08`  H h 0  o  LL{L{8`L   0  L  ..*  8.. `  jnm  `dxwggbg]YOo!"!"qENxz<qPHT00 qT14>G0000>N000T00T90 ŀ4242̀COPYRIGHT LITTLE BLUE LTD., 1987+,-./0L) b - )ߍ ȹO D ѭ0QHPHLXѨ/ y n "# ! X - 5 - - (!"#LX  - g   `" X e G  - g v1@2)v !  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Huston Modified by Bob Sander-Cederlof HHHx'!dž,ϱϬL,C: ϩϩ7ϩ J"7ϩ J ЛLt+ϩ)ϩ)ϩ ϩ׍ϩ#΅Q!S֍ϩ"΅08!0#܍ϩ֍ϩ̈!!̈Ω֍L< hhh(L 13456789:;<=>? 8jx,H hh ϩ܍h( R̩܍LE @( R(n8HC  *(*)ĐIk0@ `L)CL̺@iAi@Hȱ@Hȱ@Ah@@Bh 1EBBC0̐,(,,L+PCT L2L8888(` ̠܌ϤC@``CFAȭ̑DȑD`F!% ТȽΑD` ΢`!8` i)IHDDhDD`Apple Disk 3.5 @MFM 5.25 (360K) @ LfW #ͰE0Xxc f̰U8 ΰ3ϽE]:8 ̰/ ̰%(H܍h` ͥNJjjM XУ'(8ة Ͱ ΰ ̰ LNM XL8 ΢ ` ̩(LR ϤC`LfW #ͰP K0Xxd f̰[ ̩ f̰I8 ΰ'ϽE].8 (H܍h` ͥNJjjM XЯ'(8 ̩ Ͱ ΐM X ̩(LR ϤC` L8 ΢ `LΩRS #ͰDx ̰1C8O̩ ̩ 4̩ RRP@(H܍h8`'̩ ̩ ̰RR(]8I ΥB(8`(  ΍ν΍Ωލ H܍h`ލ ̩܍`Nl NlLΩ!8`F  Ω`[ M 'ϭ')$ϭ')IJ [$ϩ &ϭ')[8 Υ[) `+`/8`Z$)HhYZ[ ')IJ [Y)[[дJ& &Ͻ΍%Ϲ΍'Ͻ΍$ϊ`H 'ϰ&h$I$I$`!G3CB;ϐ -' L+̢HHx&ϢH@h@֍(hh`lA̩G%ϩ$Ϡ&Ϲ̍'ϭ') ̝!%ϩ3$Ϡ&Ϲ̍' ̰&Ϲ̝ᩆ&ώ̩ `! 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Quit LSLOT = R LSelect an option: `Ri `aϠ`ϬO,F= ϩϩ7ϩ JC7LI JaaȐR0RLI`Vnolmdnol mt+ϩ)ϩ)ϥa)R iR``aaa1` ```<ڠ`ԥa) R`R `a`RRRR@eRRR])-R%RiRRiRRiReн LADDRESS REGISTER ERRORL:KRRRR #KRR #KRR #KRR RRTMR)RͿR LREGISTER INCREMENT ERRORL:K||`Ʉ`` L& PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN TO MAIN MENU ,LCHRR R e8*eh [e Pe`eR8R] (PR*Re XQ`  `Qa _N N LN N``` N N N` uNe _N` q`Rq`Rȱ`R :(q`RRR :`Hȱ`hR : LN NeУ``h`ha` [ȱ`!8`J$`ȱ` O e`eaHH`Rɮ]Z]Zg`8` X LComputing Checksum PM LPC Transporter checksum = $C BLRR K qK 8FLdMBCR= `P,=eeBBC F0 e= `8`RJRIMR` LWARNING: TO CONTINUE WILL ERASE L"EVERYTHING ON THIS PC TRANSPORTER. L DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS? N )_Y X`8`$L[`Hȱ`)ȱ`hL:`ȱ`)Rȱ`RLl `Ra`3`Ra``i`a``i`a`RR`ȱ`)Rȱ`mRRR `mRHȱ`)iRh :R`,R`eJJJJH) P Nhe`RHR@R=R (P XQLO R R R ROOO OOOOO O O c b cEb Rh` ^_^_^_ / 2LX`)a{i`8 RPxd F0X`X8`_PHRJ_PRR^PjLSP_PRR]Pi_Ph_P(`R9R`R`R`RRR`RRR`H uNhH e``eaah`HHH,R0 P Phhh`H _N`iRȱ`iRȱ`iRR :RiHRiR8h :`Rȱ`Rȱ`iRR RiRRiRR8RR :RiHRiRih :h`RH uN Q tQ NmhR` HRh`l?R`RR `R `HJ)RRRRQhQ`Hɛh` F  RRZZR R  ! !'4'X'|'.4.X.|.545X5|5<4<X<|<C4CXC|CJ4JXJ|JC5XC4C|5|C4IBM 3.3s3м|x67VS+| &=t&G+|rg|&|||?|7| &| |H7|?|r }u  } tw}j2^D}36 |<|7|=|7|I|*;|@8<|s<|PNXr(<|t 7|& |Њ.|}=|p t"36|ˆ;|36|*|9|ô9| 6;|ʆ}6*| Disque sans systme ou erreur disque Remplacez et appuyez sur une touche Erreur amorage IBMBIO COMIBMDOS COMUVQNNY\uFF^W_W_VP hX^˚1PQS+W3>hOOv>h_[YX S>u16h<t;N<,t u/FF6h_<tuË׋|W_SRP y34XZ[W_SRPπ t/XZ[ˉ&PQD K&PQ@&PQV^0 y ,XS yN>uGKD&PQ3 t1rڊݑ*͊r;t$π>tp+ y"xYXˁu t>ttz x&PQD &PQu x ݀>ts: uD Lt LÉ&- t<t6jK3,>r t< tx<"u,u |""or>"t%< tN< u,t_U< t< u t,t t :t :t;1s<"t< u'$r"< t<,t< uG.x r< t2x tuYPAP YX uPQPH:sX* uPQ*r y3RSĴ3[ZÇ ~1 |-;w)VWQI+;rȋ; v tY_^6!_&Gn>lu&r&ptx&GטPW&U ,<ujl]_>rw7vww>t6,tt8<,t&r?Redo from starEDu>l|tty2 uWOverflokVWQ6pNN +&6pt Y_^uuln&r.l4Ӛڋ94/*%  *݋6.<tJ<t+>{u%>zuP@ >rOw< |>{u>zuR dа" W" < uFY,>twĴ*̊-v2 HPcXt u PB*Xr:v 6 t 3ì t88887 88777777 7 7 78KM tsvRSOuG w HPS~v~wG7P&vJIj uu6.:tKg2*p3hm333<H43q*$$(<H4Rs2*(3<H434 4;<H44:L;4:<H4N:&4}9<H4188647$H416>46$H4Dg4H4P4g44COMSPEC=C:\COMMAND.COMPROMPT=Applied Engineering PC Transporter Brjoux AE, le $d $t$_$p$gPATH=\;\AEPCl4C:\FDISK.COMt PXZ[^wƇxQV7.:t Fu2. ^YPVCu63t=t5H;r6+tH+^XÓ7FL6;v[빰<rS66=ttuNN@G7FPSVW6H=t#u󫓋;wu)@;t $+rF5>_^[X during G.C Internal Error - String Space Corrup t$>t$VS6w\Ӌ^ú݁sGQWH_YQVWA_^YStr[s]PÇGXPRC+rCCCZXNPQRVWQSʋ2[^wA_^ZYXPS_;r;w @ G[;uX[XpRQ3BJYS_[ZË>>@$+-E>E3.D&ܿ tyز-J 0À>rʻt  tض+ڰ t-zdP>uo>\DɀtPZހԊYQ́twr t'RZZϿ+ϰ0AOÿŊ㗊܊ǕƊYQ́t wrt ׿ +Tl\sTl\̓0-Gf3Ғ';r03d dr 00 00ÿ>Ë;s"++0<5r O<:rA1O0A*ԿJJJ4>=J=JJ>+>0>VP39u.D&UVW_^]ÈDQRS3ɋD\[ZYÈT/PcX< t< rEd/t:EwTƅEÊEÊd/Ãw tK㊟Q>tCوP ut t8\u<uF3PQRWSt t9\rDEL˃3wL3s[_ZYXWWSߋ} t;u|[>6|_3.D&=Ps r á=>r r-À Ê rÊ rÌƸ& "ŠrÌƸ&2" &0QꟋڱӱs Zt Àɰ <st $آñUà t- x$u;˟rK x rÞ33ɟ ػ3tCÌƸ tk&/ Њ"" Jt?s&/& u㫠>>뜋&/& ßؠ 2r>s 2ۋB &2"&0G & G"&G"&0Gـt2&GJx1u"܋&GMx2 ÈF"Ċ$Ѵt"Ċ2 tQ tMFH_t=Mut*ʸԊ"  t 6Àt2 Ê& >632Ê. y.Ê2"t 2" 2ÊsG&=O&=Ês2&=G&=u%DZ$NjA<r,t*sø>. 62&=Erqr&=>. ˋRr Mtss3U#>.U33s EVs<>. 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PC TRANSPORTER README FILE REV 2.0 ================================== * CHANGES TO THE PC TRANSPORTER SYSTEM DISK FROM REV 1.31 TO REV 2.0 * Following is a list of changes that have been made from rev 1.31 of the PC Transporter Operating System to rev 2.0. - During initialization, the software now searches for a DataLink 1200 modem and, if one is installed, turns off auto answer. This prevents the phone from auto answering while the PC Transporter is in use. If a DataLink is installed and the slot is active, then a message is sent to the screen showing the DataLink slot and telling the user that auto answer is now off. - Function keys 1-10 on Extended Apple Keyboards will now work in IBM mode. - The PC Transporter now supports up to two hard disks at 32 Meg each. This is decribed later in this file. - A problem was found in executing the PC Transporter software under IIgs System Software versions 5.0 and 5.02 if the SCSI.Manager file was installed. The PC Transporter software now works correctly. - Sometimes PCT would not boot MS/DOS from a floppy if a hard disk was installed. This was caused by an incorrect status returned by the floppy driver in AEPC.SYSTEM when a floppy was not write protected. It is now fixed. - The software now allows up to three tries to boot from a floppy even if there is a hard disk installed. The old code only allowed one try if a hard disk was installed, but tried three times if there was no hard disk. - The status information returned by SmartPort calls has been changed so that the Finder would properly poll both Apple and IBM drives connected to PCT. "Disk-switched" logic has been added to the SmartPort status calls. Now at least the drives will properly function under the Finder. PCT.SWAP, described later, is included to avoid the continuous polling problem. - When the Apple is re-booted, previous versions of AEPC.DISKS arbitrarily deletes all files you might have in /RAMAEPC. This means, of course, that you cannot boot from /RAMAEPC. The new version checks to see if a valid copy of the firmware has already been installed, and does not reload if so. A beep sound effect has been added to the firmware load code, so you can tell whether it was loaded. - The AEPC.DISKS driver will now read, write, and format 3.5" disks under ProDOS using an interleave of 2:1. - We found that certain disks would give read errors on the 5.25" TransDrives when used under ProDOS. The internal retry count has been increased so that they are now readable. - Added an "eject disk" control call to the SmartPort firmware for the Apple 3.5" drives connected to PCT. Under the Finder you can now drag the 3.5" disk icon to the trash can and have it eject. * CHANGES TO THE PC TRANSPORTER SYSTEM DISK FROM REV 1.3 TO REV 1.31 * Following is a list of changes that have been made from rev 1.3 of the PC Transporter Operating System to rev 1.31. - The keyboard routines now work correctly on the new ROM 03 (1 Meg) IIgs computer. - Accessing a CDA while in MS-DOS now works correctly when AEPC.System is executed from IIgs System Software 5.0. - PC Transporter was not calculating timeout values correctly during floppy disk initialization when the machine is accelerated over 5 MHz. This has been fixed. - Interrupts are now being disabled during one phase of initialization. This should fix some problems with running AEPC.System under IIgs System Software 5.0. - PC Transporter's error messages have been changed from black letters on a colored background to intense white letters. This lets all the error messages be seen on a monochrome monitor. * CHANGES FROM THE PC TRANSPORTER SYSTEM DISK rev 1.2 to rev 1.3 * Following is a list of changes that have been made from rev 1.2 of the PC Transporter Operating System to rev 1.3. - Improved printing with the ImageWriter II when using v1.3 IW2EMUL driver. - Improved communications data rates and data handling during upload and download. - Improved operation with a wider variety of copy protection. - Improved capability to read a wider range of disks from other MS-DOS based systems. - Will now use up to 750K of available expansion RAM under MS-DOS (up from 360K). * CHANGES TO THE PC TRANSPORTER MANUAL V1.3 * p.93-95 Several new ProDOS files have been added to v1.3 of the Transporter disk. Please note these additions in your manual. Starting PCT STARTUP -- This is a simple selector program that runs when you boot the /AEPC 3.5" disk or the /AEPC.UTIL 5.25" disk. Select the proper number from the menu displayed to run the PC Transporter program, run PCT.SWAP (described later), run PC.LAUNCHER (described later), exit to Basic, or exit to ProDOS. To run the program from BASIC, at the BASIC prompt (]), enter -STARTUP or RUN STARTUP. From the Finder, double-click the STARTUP icon. Read This File READ.ME -- This is the text file you are now reading. Testing PCT Memory PCTRAM.SYSTEM -- This program tests all the expansion memory on the PC Transporter for PCT's with ZIP chips and those with 256K x 4 chips. A graphics screen shows which chips are bad or not present. Press any key after you get the CARD PASSED message to stop the test. Note: If you have a PCT RAM disk (RAMAEPC) set up, running the test erases everything on the PCT including the format and Drivers loaded. You'll need to reboot to recreate the RAM disk. New Parallel Printer Driver GENLPT1 -- This program is a generic parallel printer driver. It can be used with some printer cards that do not conform the Apple interface standards. This printer driver has to be manually installed from the /AEPC.UTIL 5.25" disk or the 3.5" disk using the PCT control panel. It will not work with Auto Install. If Auto Install attempts to install it, the system will crash. After you assign the GENLPT1 driver through the control panel, save it to a configuration file so that Auto Install will not be executed during the boot cycle. Icons for the IIGS Finder ICONS -- Copy the AEPC.ICONS.2.0 file into the ICONS directory of your boot disk. This will replace "plain vanilla" icons with icons that have been described by many as "super cool" and by others as "interesting." Version 2.0 of the PCT software also contains several new programs. Please note these additions in your manual. Activating/Deactivating/Rearranging PCT Drives Under ProDOS PCT.SWAP -- This program allows you to select which drives connected to the PCT you want to use under ProDOS and GS/OS. It also allows you to pick the access order of the PCT drives. Launch the program from the PCT main menu, from the Finder or from ProDOS 8. From the PCT main menu, choose option 3. At the BASIC prompt (]), enter -PCT.SWAP or RUN PCT.SWAP. From the Finder, double-click the PCT.SWAP file. GS/OS -- Continuously Spinning Drives When using GS/OS v5.0 with the PCT, the PCT drives are continuously polled. PCT.SWAP lets you shut off the drives while in the Finder. Set the /RAMAEPC as active and the TransDrives as inactive. ProDOS 8 -- Disk to Disk Copies Under ProDOS 8, set up a dual TransDrive or two 3.5" drives as devices 1 and 2 for disk to disk copies. 5.25" Note: The 5.25" TransDrives cannot read regularly formated ProDOS disks. When you format disks in the TransDrives using any ProDOS format utility (Filer, System Utilities, etc.), they are actually formatted with a special brand of ProDOS, MFM. Disks formatted in the 5.25" TD's can have ProDOS files read from and written to them by TransDrive systems only. 3.5" Note: The 3.5" drives connected to the PC Transporter can be formatted, read to and writtien from under ProDOS in the normal manner. Booting MS-DOS Programs Directly from ProDOS PC.LAUNCHER -- This BASIC program allows you to create a file that can launch an MS-DOS program directly from ProDOS. Create separate PC.LAUNCHER files for each MS-DOS program you want to launch from ProDOS. PC.LAUNCHER is most useful for hard disk users. To run the program: From BASIC, at the BASIC prompt (]), enter RUN PC.LAUNCHER or -PC.LAUNCHER. From the Finder, double-click the PC.LAUNCHER icon. When prompted by the program, enter a single MS-DOS command. For example, if you want to run Lotus 1-2-3 from your hard drive, you would enter "123" (do not type the quotes). If you're running Launcher from one drive and the MS-DOS program from another drive, you would need to include the drive path. "A:123" would run 123 from drive A. You can also include any parameters in the one line command. For example, if you only occasionally use the mouse, you may not want to load the mouse drivers every time you boot the system. So, instead of loading the mouse with a batch file, you can create a launcher file with the command "MSMOUSE /2" then call the ProDOS file "MOUSE". At the "File name to save:" prompt, enter the name you want to call the launcher program under ProDOS. You can name it any name acceptable to ProDOS. You need to have a copy of LAUNCHER.EXE on your MS-DOS disk. The AUTOEXEC.BAT file must be set up to locate the file. You also need to add "LAUNCHER" to the end of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file using a line editor program such as EDLIN, SEE, or SideKick's NOTEPAD. When you run the newly created file from ProDOS, it launches AEPC.SYSTEM which in turn enters the single MS-DOS command when launcher is run. Extended Keyboard Support AEPC.KEY.2E/GS -- Function keys 1-10 on Extended Apple Keyboards will now work in IBM mode. (Refer to Ch. 7, p. 115, "Keyboard Reference.") Recognizing PCT Drives as ProDOS Drives with Improved PC Install (Manual v1.3 pp.95, 141, 183) PC Install is a ProDOS program that installs the device drivers located in the AEPC.DISKS file into any file called PRODOS. The drivers allow ProDOS to recognize and use the TransDrives and PCT ProDOS drives. Run PC Install from ProDOS, not from MS-DOS. At the BASIC prompt (]), enter -PCINSTALL. From the Finder, double-click the PCINSTALL file. PC Install will no longer create a file called PRODOT when it encounters a locked PRODOS file as described in the manual. Instead, PC Install unlocks the file, PRODOS, and modifies it. GS Owners: If you've deactivated some of your drives with the PCT.SWAP program, you'll need to rerun the program after using PC Install. Improved Hard Disk Support (Manual v1.3 pp. 151) Older versions of the PCT software limited PCT to one hard disk of up to about 16 Meg (16,777K). Version 2.0 of the PCT software allows you to have two hard disks of up to about 32 Meg each. The hard disks are still simulated using ProDOS files and are therefore initially limited to about 16 Meg apiece, but you can now continue the hard disk(s) onto a second ProDOS file. The two files act together to form a single large disk. A few rules to remember are: If you add a continuation to an existing drive, both the main drive and continuation must be partitioned and formatted together. You will lose any data currently on your main drive. You must activate both parts of the two part drive. If you leave off the continuation of a two part drive, the system will expect to find memory at a location that is not active and will fail. You can create a two-part hard drive with two 3.5" drives. However, you must remember to have both disks containing the hard disk files in the proper drives. Refer to p. 147 of the manual for more information. Where the Files Are All the files are included on the 3.5" PC Transporter disk. If you're using the 5.25" disks, here's where the files are: /AEPC.UTIL /AEPCT /AEPC PRODOS (modified) PRODOS (unmodified) MSDOSVOL BASIC.SYSTEM STARTAEPC STARTUP AEPC.SYSTEM PCT.SWAP AEPCBIOS PCINSTALL AEPCKEY.GS AEPC.DISKS AEPCKEY.2E ICONS AEPCBIOS PCTRAM.SYSTEM AEPC.DRIVERS READ.ME PC.LAUNCHER GENLPT1 * PC INSTALL NOTE * pp.95, 141, 183 Run PC Install from ProDOS not from MS-DOS. At the basic prompt ( ] ), enter -PCINSTALL. * REMINDERS * --Some versions of MS-DOS were created to recognize the hardware in IBM work-alikes. Therefore, many of these customized MS-DOS operating systems will not work with PC Transporter. Although the new PC Transporter system recognizes several of these customized versions, if the version you have does not work, we suggest that you use either a version of MS-DOS created for use with IBMs or PC-DOS. Either MS-DOS 3.3 or PC-DOS 3.3 is recommended. MS-DOS/PC-DOS 3.2 or higher is required to recognize 3.5" disk drives. --//e Upgraded to IIGS If you have a //e with a IIGS motherboard installed, you will need the IIGS Installation Kit. PC Transporter will recognize an upgraded system and will remap the //e keys without using the //e keyboard adapter cable. The //e map will be displayed from the Main Menu. --Disk Drives Do not connect a UniDisk to PC Transporter's drive connector. --PC Transporter Memory The PC Transporter's memory can be used as a RAM disk under ProDOS but not as system memory. PCT is a slot 1-7 card, not a memory expansion card. AppleWorks is the exception to the rule, it will use the PCT memory as expanded desktop. Refer to App. D (p. 183 of v1.31) of the manual for instructions on using AppleWorks and PCT memory. See p. 143 of the manual for instructions on using PCT as a ProDOS RAM Disk. 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