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Error releasing memory pool File transfer successful. Prefix: %s |TRANSLATE FILE Error erasing current file, check write protect tab. Not enough room on this disk or disk write protected. Error reading prodos filting ProDOS prefix, old prefix still in effect. New ProDOS prefix has been set.MS DOS File: ProDOS File: Filetype: %sPrefix: %s Not enough memory for transfer. MS DOS file: %s not found. This file already exists. Replace it with new file (Y/N): ed: (Y/N): MS DOS file to transfer: %sEnter ProDOS file to create (ESC to exit): ProDOS filetypes are:%d.%s%d.OTHEREnter filetype (1-%d): .. Enter filetype byte (hex): $%02xSet ProDOS PrefixCurrent ProDOS prefix: %sProDOS prefix Error setcifies translation mode. MS DOS File to ProDOS File TransferMS DOS file to transferFile not found.ProDOS File to MS DOS File TransferProDOS prefix: %sProDOS file to transferEnter MS DOS file to create (ESC to exit): Do you want the file translatfile = A:\sub\example.ext %x... parameters: Transfer [source] [destination] [-T] ProDOS source = /util/example ProDOS destination = /util/example(xxx) where xxx = valid filetype TXT, BIN, etc., or $xx MS DOS file = A:\sub\example.ext -T speprogram. Transfer Utility %s - %sV1.4Copyright 1987,1988 Little Blue Limited Too many Not enough Invalid option on command line. ProDOS filetype not specified correctly. ProDOS file = /util/example(xxx) xxx = valid file type BAS, SYS, ... MS DOS +>j.n3r~VKFF&< t< tN=sQb!ZY[] ؉&4LC 6.00...DIRTXTBINADBAWPASPPASCMDINTIVRBASVARRELSYS Error building memory pool Your Apple software does not support this itialized far data present $Xڌlp6ά u+F+ډ&j>j63 t2A<"u t <"t<\u t t < t< t u3ډr6>u>wPD&j <6"ά uN;t <:t<\uF++ډ6"&j>j6" urr@rrr r2s3.?$tC@RPPPPIncompatible DOS version $Corrupted environment $Stack overflow during startup $Invalid stack override directive $Unable to grow stack for stack override $Stack override illegal when uninDF>:6B3<KDX6. t.6>0d60u6.6>.t 6.2PB!-232>. -  -    Ë3t#3r S+;v[[3۬ t#<0|<9,0+4J!r ;4w +44 ) -  -  - RZ>u`Fu>>v>"">>F>F>F>F>@=w;@w@> s Ø=7+&:>:6>BЎ3636,60626466686:6<6=6>6?      *!.0<D6P66 uډ66< t< tN<=t=F7r-t}3_^ZY[]USQRVW^D!r€u3 ~~ 3_^ZY[] USQRVW~&^GG3_^ZY[]USQRVWFI!r3_^ZY[]USQRVW. u 0!.~3_^ZY[]USQRVW t ..0!.Q!.3e. yYnNPress SPACE BAR to start transfer or ESC to exit MS DOS File to ProDOS File TransferEnter MS Dos Directory (ESC to exit): ..................................................... Not enough memory for this function\ Invalid directory specified Error releasing memory pool Path not found*.* Error changing directory back Too many files. No transferable files in this directory.MS DOS file to transfer: %sProDOS prefix: %sEnter ProDOS file to create (ESC to exit): ProDOS filetypes are:The transfer operation in this mode is very straight-forward: pick a menu selection, then enter the filenames and pertinent information when prompted. The utility in this mode will attempt to provide the destination filename. If this filename eeds depending on the direction of the transfer. This translation option should only be used when transferring text or ASCII files. There are two modes of operation for this program. The first is the menu mode which you are in right now. ween the two machines is different. Most Apple text files end a line with only a carriage return while IBM text editors expect a carriage return followed by a linefeed. The Transfer utility has an option that allows you to add or delete linefher files that can be interchanged between the two systems are text or ASCII files. When transferring text files, it is necessary to have the files translated by this utility. The reason for translation is because the end-of-line sequence betrams, unless they are strictly text files, have no chance of running under both operating systems. Applications that write the same file format in both systems (DIF files for Lotus and Appleworks, or MicroSoft Word 3.0 files), are compatible. Otile formats can also be accomplished in order to make the files useable in either environment. Keep in mind when using this utility that the file formats used by most ProDOS and MSDOS applications are not compatible. For instance, BASIC prog TRANSFER UTILITY The purpose of this program is to move files between the ProDOS and MSDOS environments. Files can be transferred in any direction between hard disks and/or floppy disks. Simple translations of fle. Error releasing memory pool No transferable files in this directory. Too many files. /ProDOS prefix: %sProDOS file to transfer: %sEnter MS DOS file to create (ESC to exit): Do you want the file translated: (Y/N): yYnNCatalog ProDOS Volums Online S%d,D%d = /%sShow Current ProDOS PrefixCurrent ProDOS prefix: %sDelete ProDOS FileCurrent ProDOS prefix: ProDOS file to deleteProDOS File to MS DOS File TransferProDOS prefix: ProDOS directory Filetype mismatch, not a directory fie ProDOS versionunsupported storage typeend of fileposition past EOFaccess errorfile already openfile count badnot a ProDOS diskbad parameterVCB overflowbad buffer addressduplicate volumebad volume bit maperror number = %02xShow ProDOS VolumeI/O errorno device connecteddisk write protectedvolume was switchedinvalid pathname syntaxtoo many files are openinvalid REF numbernonexistent pathvolume not mountedfile not foundduplicate file namedisk is fullvolume directory fullincompatibl.  Press any key to continue....Copyright 1987,1988 Little Blue Limited ...JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC ProDOS error: invalid MLI function codeinvalid parameter countinterrupt table fullransfer, SPACE BAR to mark files.  transfer.hlpTransfer Utility Help Not able to open TRANSFER.HLP, must be in current directory.Use Pg Dn, Pg Up, Home, End keys HELP INFORMATION ESC to exit Error releasing memory block%d.%s%d.OTHEREnter filetype (1-%d): .. Enter filetype byte (hex): %x$%02x Do you want the file translated: (Y/N): yYnN+There are %d files in this directory. Use PgDn and PgUp to view other files. Cursor keys to move selection, < to start t is in appropriate, change the filename by using the key and entering a different filename. In the menu mode, one option is to mark source filenames from a directory list for transfer. If is pressed when prompted for a directory, then the current directory or prefix is entered on the line. Remember that the key will back out of most situations. A file that already exists on the destination disk will never be written over unless the user specifically c0) TECHNICAL NOTE: The amount of free memory of the PC determines how fast the transfer utility moves the file. The more memory the faster the transfer. At least 90K of free memory must be available before the utility can be run. ge to that effect and terminate. Other examples of the command line mode: A>transfer /blue/sub/test e:\sub1\sub2\newfile.ext -t A>transfer c:\command.com /blue/command($30) A>transfer command.com /blue/command($3 The program, when invoked, will look at the command line parameters; if none are entered, the menu mode will take effect. If an insufficient number of parameters are entered for the command line mode, then the program will print an error messaknow the current prefix before using this method of transfer. When using the command line mode, a copyright message and status are the only things displayed. If the file already exists, the user is prompted the same as in the menu mode. oDOS prefix will be used to complete the path for the source file test. The file will then be transferred to the sub2 subdirectory of drive e: on the PC side. Subdirectories on both filesystems are supported by the utility. Be sure you it is not necessary to specify the filetype. Remember that the translate flag is an option and should only be used with text files. Another command line example: A>transfer test e:\sub1\sub2\newfile.ext The current Prde must be hexadecimal. The parentheses are the key to determining which file is the ProDOS file. If no parentheses are found in the command line then it is assumed that the source file is a ProDOS file. When using a ProDOS file as the source must be in parentheses "()" with no spaces after the filename. Most filetypes are recognized by the transfer utility. Any special filetypes can be entered on the command line by entering ($byte code) instead of the filetype. This byte coformat for the command line is: TRANSFER {source file} {destination file} [translate flag] The source and destination filenames are required. The translate flag is optional. If the destination file is a ProDOS file then the filetype This command invokes the transfer program, transfers the MSDOS file test.tst, and creates it in the ProDOS environment with the name test and filetype of txt. The option -t is the way to have a file translated from the command line. The all the information is entered on the command line. Once transfer is made, the program terminates. ProDOS commands cannot be executed in this mode. An example of a command line transfer: A>transfer a:test.tst /blue/test(txt) -t te a ProDOS File. If more than one file is to be transferred, it would be worth your time to set the ProDOS prefix to the desired directory. The second mode of operation is from the command line, which is much quicker in the sense that lable in this mode is the ability to execute some ProDOS commands. The following commands are supported: Show ProDOS Volumes Online Catalog ProDOS Directory Show ProDOS Prefix Set ProDOS Prefix Delehooses to do so. If the destination filename already exists, the user will be asked whether or not to write over the existing file. A message is printed after the transfer indicating whether or not the transfer was successful. Also avaiprompt $e[0;30;40m cls path=\;\aepc aplclock prompt $e[1;36m echo off cls echo Preparing to Launch any program from PC.LAUNCHER echo off launcher echo on prompt $e[1;31m echo off echo Program Launching is Complete pause prompt $e[1>"t㣫+8ᡩ>tᣭ+ t<>lu >@uJ@<P#ta6]>_@X$t >u >*>]^_ZY[XϋЊ2##a чa29at"wëJu2PSQRWVU. 6U& 0 U _ U t P$É;~Ή6;~׉>끋";|>SQR) x ZY[2@2Ø>..={>su3.a..M..&JխJuêËխ33FDF DF aFÃ~}㋷ oXEF7>tá>t>u>c">3]F 3_F < 0HH3>@Ul]HuR ˃:>v4>F F aFËx؋f6&Ù6&Ã~}tPt Rtvv v v ] u.>ft..dSދWw[PSQRWVU<wS،Ȏ؋^[IRu PXt0" ^FF  rstw 0123456789ABCDEF7Ne Dr6ͫ*** This is Copyright 1983 Microsoft ***rUv v v v= t= t=tb=t =Pt=RtP^^ t ttX$]??0?@`px|~|F{coiu  pqrstuvwx @ @881234? P!PC$MOUSE..PSQRVW.G uH.G_^ZY[X0@dw@`@`0 cls aplclock prompt Applied Engineering PC Transporter, on $d at $t$_$p$g type read.me :end  ECBAT 4O${SA COM Ay5 |XMICMOUSECOM ` }F.MICMOUSESYS ` ,SEE EXE techo off if #%1 == # goto notok goto ok :notok echo Drive must be specified goto end :ok echo Copying to %1\aepc md %1\aepc copy *.* %1\aepc if exist %1\autoexec.bat goto exist echo Copying to %1 echo AUTOEXEC.BAT copy autoexec.bat %1 :exist;35mApplied Engineering$e[36m PC/Transporter ($d $t$h$h$h)$_$p$g cls $Ȏ:>L=u,Lu>QNNQIYsALr3LNOPQ0LËL;Nt;Ut >Lu 0>LuH>LWW < };vÌȎË6>.6>#6>6>;|;~ uPX.x..`t"uPRV@ƾL&2.\^ZX.>uؙ66С6&a t>u>t,ϋBBJBȋJIrb#3++>tJI5r^;u ;u>uGPq66>FavF].UFv؉F].>RuOwAw<.R3 u,3؊&Ic$5!%!# !>Lu >Ou &s L>Ou,Is'%s>Mu >NtM:L skO PLN_WR&5Ƅ=68&E&e$Z_WRQS؎638ot/oOws+Ŋ$u<tFV|8.t,.W{ ^[YZ_WQ2튍<=:ێÎsY_Ì؎UF؋3ƅ=_YÀrVP%ȎX^πwVPΎޣ24X^..8 }ÊËË 6Ƅ=8}2 ÈW83s_Wƅ=68ێÎ3QsY+%G_W&58&E(*** Copyright 1985 Mouse Systems ***3ء$0t<0t'<0u!.&t .&ЀQW.&6.6.&^.^6&4`tu@1uƀ%w$<t< t2@،Ȏv;Q;YȎ؈ZY[X\m.(|v {Rt]=uGȎ3L۬FحЌȎؠO%! >u>U]>3HFȎ؎û0^3HFËTX+@À>AtMPSQRȎ ZY[XÀ>At5PSQRȎ>̀>OP!. 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Check jumpers on Bus Plus card for proper set up. $MSMOUSE Version 5.03 Copyright (c) - 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 Mouse Systems Corp. $Ȏ5use installed on CARD $: $MSMOUSE - Mouse installed on Port 000 IRQ 00 $MSMOUSE - Installed, no COM port $MSMOUSE Port Changed to COM$MSMOUSE Port Changed to CARD $: $MSMOUSE is now INACTIVE $MSMOUSE not loaded $MSMOUSE - already loaded $Unknown     6 =t$  )"! ÿ>!=Q=|L%&E%&E%&G!3 &&EMSMOUSE: Mouse COM port not found $MSMOUSE - Mouse installed on COM$MSMOUSE - MoS3! ! ! ! ! !"n!;t; u!2 !1 ! !! !S33۬<0|3<9~ u,=tP . . 8...8t! !&! !' ! 3:~Ȭu)>u">u! !r&! ! ì<1u'. . ....<2u'. . ....<3u'. . . 8...c<4u'.Gs7  2 rWs ؠu L! ! !؊&Ic$5!%!" !>u >u & s >u,s's>u >tM:+2C.263Y&! ! sk  1 rws+Ŋ$u<tF|8.t,.Wo3 [YZ_WQ2튍ێÎsY_Ì؎UF؋vF].UFv؉F].> uOwAw<. 3 u,32X^.. }ÊËË Ƅ}2 ÈW3s_WƅێÎ3QsY+%G_W&5&E_WR&5Ƅ&E&e$Z_WRQS؎38ot/oOt .&ЀQW.&..&.6&4`tu@1uƀ%w$<t< t2@،Ȏ.;Q;YȎ؈3ƅ_YÀrVP%ȎX^πwVPΎޣZuá;u$     %  Ã>u&     á  À> tdH!  ;s @kMôH!r. .# %r.# ;v+ЁsApplied Engineering PC Transporter MS-DOS Distribution Files APLCLOCK.EXE Sets up a ProDOS clock as MS-DOS clock. Syntax: A>aplclock LAUNCHER.EXE Used by PC.LAUNCHER in ProDOS as a specific program launcher. With LA    0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzA-000000  olumes Online2.Catalog a Directory3.Set ProDOS Prefix4.Show ProDOS Prefix5.Delete ProDOS File6.Return to main menu123456 ,ESC,, keys to change selection < make selectionXH+HC-000000 ((((( Hransfer1,2,31.Enter MS DOS Drive:Filename.Ext2.Select MS DOS files from directory list3.Return to main menuProDOS File to MS DOS File Transfer1.Enter ProDOS File2.Select ProDOS files from directory listProDOS Command to Execute1,2,3,4,5,61.Show VoDOS commands are supported.First time users should read the help information.1,2,3,4,51.Move files from MS DOS to ProDOS2.Move files from ProDOS to MS DOS3.ProDOS commands4.Help using Transfer Utility5.Exit from programMS DOS File to ProDOS File Td:%02d%6ld%8luR=%5dA=$%04X $%04XEnter (ESC to exit): ................................................................TRANSFER UTILITY V1.4This utility can move files between the MS DOS and ProDOS environment.In addition, a limited number of PreProDOS Volume NAME TYPE BLOCKS MODIFIED CREATED ENDFILE SUBTYPEMore files.......press SPACE BAR to continue or ESC to exit  BLOCKS FREE: %6hu BLOCKS USED: %6hu TOTAL BLOCKS: %6hu$%02x %2d-%s-%d%2&6    0123456789abcdefCOMEXEe hine, without prior written authorization from MSC is prohibited by copyright law and constitutes a punishable violation of such law. mitedNo file to launch. Executing %s COMSPECcommand/C*** STACK OVERFLOW *** $ law. Making copies or derivative works, except in certain limited instances and except for making copies or adapatations of MSC software for archival purposes or an an essential step in the utilization of the computer program in conjunction with a macThe programs MSMOUSE.COM and MSMOUSE.SYS are copyrighted by Mouse Systems Corporation ("MSC") which makes no warranty to you regarding the program. MSC software is copyrighted which means that your right to copy any part of it is limited by copyright Syntax: A>msmouse /2 MSMOUSE.SYS SYS file makes Apple Mouse as COM2 Mouse Systems Mouse. Used by a line in CONFIG.SYS: device=msmouse.sys /2 PCTQUIT.COM Quits MS-DOS, returns to Apple ProDOS or GS/OS. Batch file to run APLCLOCK and set color. Syntax: A>autoexec MOVETO.BAT Batch file to move AE files to another disk. Syntax: A>moveto c: MSMOUSE.COM Installs Apple Mouse as COM2 Mouse Systems Mouse. UNCHER in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, launching is automatic. Syntax: A>launcher TRANSFER.EXE Transfers files between ProDOS and MS-DOS. Syntax: A>transfer TRANSFER.HLP Used by TRANSFER.EXE as a help file. AUTOEXEC.BAT \ basic arithmetic0123456789abcdefVKFF&< t< tN=sQb!ZY[] ؉&4LC 6.00...DIRTXTBINADBAWPASPPASCMDINTIVRBASVARRELSYS Error building memory pool Your Apple software does not support this READ ME qD9XXLCOMPAREDOC m+qLPATCH EXE F(U`LSTRIP EXE aK8iOMD EXE H8HPR EXE jK8X]SPLAT EXE I8TOUCH EXE F87RXe|q _e|q de|q he|q ne|q se|q ve|q xe|qze|q e|q$ e|qd ?d ?d!?d %$?d '/?d ;?dF?dKe|qOe|q Se|q ?d ?d ?d ?d ?d ?d ?d?d ?d ?d ?X>Ns\>Nsc>Nsk>Ns p>Ns t>Ns #>Ns'>Ns+>Ns />Ns >^s !: = $&= *>Ns />Ns 3>Ns ;>Ns =>Ns C>Ns E>Ns N>Ns  , 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ~ C#  C# C#  S#  *  *  * *  *  * ,$ 0 Q 8 Q @ QI Q  O aV [ j  v C# A@AA    i y _  o;Ap AAzKA QA [@Ad@Ai@An@At@A|@A@@A@A-@AH+@AsD@AxI@A_@AQm@A<@A)@A,>@AjA@A A $AD@AT%Ae+6Aa@A,~@A@A@Aprogram. Transfer Utility %s - %sV1.4Copyright 1987,1988 Little Blue Limited Too many Not enough Invalid option on command line. ProDOS filetype not specified correctly. ProDOS file = /util/example(xxx) xxx = valid file type BAS, SYS, ... MS DOS WC EXE I8OCURSES H =\+LC2 EXE a9sCO%)$( ` 󪺪' tPSQRVWU)]_^ZY[XGHKMOPSstuwv t 'ADgC< s < t P^X @< r<t.R!Z< t <t$< u. Qȵ Y.