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THIS ATTEMPT":" WILL FAIL IF THE PROTECTION SCHEME":" USES A NON-STANDARD DISK FORMAT." :"IF THE PROTECTED PROGRAM WILL NOT":" START, OR RUNS ABNORMALLY, THEN"? " ONLY T3 (256)0ī2100!3070,2200=D$;"INIT H"MD$;"CLOSE"b(256)0ī2200 :"DIVERSI-DOS NOW ADDED TO DISK"*100004ADR:"***UNABLE TO READ"f10000AD:"***UNABLE TO WRITE"10000 3500"*** IF UNSURE, PRESS ")B$:gB$"B"Ĺ34633,52:40514,52:"BINARY START ENABLED":2017B$"4"Ĺ44725,160:48894,40:"40-TRACKS ENABLED":2020B$"X"Ĺ8491,56B$"D"Č37264:8520,173:8563,76:8527:8563,322100ADISK"8491,24:8520,76_:"* * * * WARNING * * * *"::"DO NOT INSERT A PROTECTED DISK"::"PRESS '4' FOR 40-TRACKS":"PRESS 'D' FOR 64K DOS":"PRESS 'B' FOR BINARY START PROGRAM(RARE)":"PRESS FOR NORMAL DOS":::120037264"INSTALL FREE SECTOR PATCH?":"(DISABLES CALL 1005 FEATURE)"::"*** IF UNSURE, HIT 'Y'"::"ENTER Y OR N --> ";:A$:A$:A$"Y"Č32576:"REMOVE THIS DISK (DIVERSI-DOS MASTER)":"THEN INSERT THE UNPROTECTED DOS 3.3 D)128ī1230NMI=" * * ENTER SELECTION (0-";NM;")";F20MIa I0INMī1260nI0ī20}I1ī1400(256,I1:257,0:259,0:AD6:1200xI1256,I:257,0:259,0:II1:AD6(49152)3ī20(258)128ī14105~256,I:AD6:II1(M2ī1170>(258)128ī1150X(12):D$;"PR#0":20q:"INSTRUCTIONS:":"0 - RETURN TO MAIN MENU":"1 - ALL INSTRUCTIONS"I1I1;:I9ĺ" ";"- ";256,I:II1:257,0:259,1:AD6 (258ONS":D$;"RUN INSTRUCTIONS"& .216,0F L:"WHERE IS THE PRINTER":P V5600W [I ]::"1 - ALL MESSAGES":"2 - ERROR MESSAGES ONLY"::"ENTER SELECTION(1 OR 2) ";:A$:A$:M(A$) ^M1M2ī1117 `D$;"PR#";I j257,1 tI0yM2I001 d:"PLEASE ENTER A NUMBER BETWEEN 1 AND 9"; n:30Z "SEND INSTRUCTIONS TO:":c 20v "1 - PRINTER" :"2 - SCREEN" :"ENTER SELECTION (1 OR 2) ";:A$:I(A$) I2ī1200 I1ī20 1070 $A$:D$;"VERIFY INSTRUCTI,35:40206,187:40514,6:34633,6[ PI(0)::"ENTER SELECTION (1 TO 9) ->";:A$::I(A$) RA$"P"Ĺ216,0:D$;"BRUN DOGFIGHT" SA$"R"Ĺ216,0:D$;"RUN RDCONFIG" TA$"G"Ĺ216,0:D$;"BRUN GINST" Z:I1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,8000,8010,8020,70I"7 - BSAVE DDMOVER FILE":; J"8 - BSAVE PATCH FILE":s K"9 - EXIT TO BASIC / G - ";::"GARB. COLLECT":: L"P - PLAY DOGFIGHT / R - ";::"RAMDISK": M(45886)173Ĺ45889,24:45890,234:45891,234 NAD9 O49107,141:44725,140:48894* "C1983 DSR, INC / BY BILL BASHAM"F :"1 - INSTRUCTIONS":o ("2 - PUT DIVERSI-DOS ONTO A DISK": 2"3 - RUN A PROTECTED PROGRAM": <"4 - MAKE COPIES OF THIS DISK": F"5 - MODIFY BUFFER ROUTINES": H"6 - BSAVE BUFFER FILE":  11000$(4);"MAXFILES 1"-N409D$(4)\(55)170(40222)78ī12000r D$;"BLOADASMDIV"} 38400 C$""(38403)0C$"*"AD819237264256,0:257,0:259,0:AD6 :"DIVERSI-DOS(TM) VERSION 4.1-C";C$          ԠϠ͍ԠϠҍĠ͍ƠŠϠҺҍƍϠȍŠº΍ϠҺҍƠҠŮĠԠŠΩԠˠƍŠʧϠ׍ϠŠשʧŠºΠؠŠϠ׍ō٠٠ W'кжLc* LFdLc `  Lc ` 8 8 LQc8(8Lc  &%0)@榥LbLb  aзPbPb`*U Fa ?bLbLb  aLFa@  @`   ' aL]MM9 Fa   :LFa ?` ` a` Fa  a a a aLFaHhL:hL?` Fa ?bLFaHh8`p: ީ " H h 0)L`h  ` H8HӰ hIiHӅхhЅhIi҄f8Ъх e8e҅ԥե0)Q&&Ӱ eЅԥePۮ `:  ޠ`L]2g!U: a: C> DURING BOOT FOR 48K DOS"S 1"-N409D$(4)\(55)170(40222)78ī12000r D$;"BLOADASMDIV"} 38400 C$""(38403)0C$"*"AD819237264256,0:257,0:259,0:AD6 :"DIVERSI-DOS(TM) VERSION 4.1-C";C$000'JF$"DDMOVER,A$8700,L$AFA":6000ITF$"PATCH,A$9190,L$470":6000{'(24):"PRESS TO RETURN TO MENU ";A$'20*"READ ERROR ON DIVERSI-DOS MASTER":"USE A BACK-UP DISK" +7000."REQUIRES 48K DOS - PLEASE RE-BOOT"::"HIT ";]A$:pD$;"BSAVE";F$"FILE WRITTEN ONTO DISK"10000"UNABLE TO WRITE ONTO THIS DISK"810000X216,0::D$;"FP"@F$"BUFFER,A$8000,L$6FA":6L16II4:I16I32(I12I16532893,ICA$(I4)aI4A$A$"K - STANDARD"sI4A$A$S$I1(A$)I32893,((A$,I,1))5600:32912,IL|8000:"ENTER SLOT # (0-7)";:A$A$"0"I0:5630I5600:32911,I-P:"ENTER RAM CARD SIZE":CUS$"K - SATURN "mZ"1 - 16K (MOST COMMON)":"2 - 32";S$d"3 - 64";S$:"4 - 128";S$f"5 - 64K LEGEND":"6 - 128K LEGEND":L0i5200nIxI6I1ī5200}I4II2:S$"K - LEGEND ":32913,I."DISABLE PRINT BUFFER(Y/N)?";A$;32882,0OI0:A$"Y"I1\32914,IlI0ī5500:"ENTER PRINTER CARD TYPE":I1NCI;" - ";:256,I1:30721 :5100I(I1INCī51002256,I1:30724< TRYING BRUN" D$;"BRUN";A$% - ADT :"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"x "UNABLE TO RUN PROTECTED DISK" 10000"RUNNING COPYA":D$;"RUN COPYA"NC(30720)"DISABLE KEYBOARD BUFFER(Y/N)?";A$:I0:A$"Y"I1 atible files for GPLE or DOS Toolkit, send a signed statement that you own these programs with your $30 payment (licensed users send $5 and your user support number). Running Protected Programs Some protected disks will work by booting Diversi-DOS and rOS. However, programs which reference locations within DOS may crash with Diversi-DOS, since these locations may have been changed. To be safe, it is best to have a back-up copy of the commercial program before adding Diversi-DOS. Note: To receive compn, INIT will make 40-track disks with more storage space (label the disks "40-track"). Remember, these disks can't be read on standard drives. Unprotected Commercial Disks: Commercial programs using DOS 3.3 in the standard way should work with Diversi-Doad Diversi-DOS instead of the old DOS 3.3. If you want to add the RAM card (64K) version of Diversi-DOS with the new features, press "D" instead of . (see 64K instructions) If you have 40-track drives (i.e. Rana Elite 1), you may press "4". Thectors when you catalog a disk. Note: This disables the CALL 1005 feature(see Random Access Text Files). Insert your DOS 3.3 disk and press . Diversi-DOS will be written onto the first 3 tracks of this disk. Now, when you boot the disk, it will lng system is loaded. Diversi-DOS will then control all disk operations. To add Diversi-DOS to a disk, enter "2" from the main menu. You will then be asked if you want to install the free sector patch. Press "Y" if you want to know the number of free sek Operating System (DOS). When the disk boots, the DOS on these 3 tracks is loaded into the Apple memory. This DOS then controls all disk operations. Diversi-DOS modifies the first 3 tracks on the disk. Now, when the disk boots, the Diversi-DOS operatihonesty will allow us to distribute future programs this same, low-cost way. Putting Diversi-DOS onto a disk Putting Diversi-DOS onto a disk speeds up the processing of BASIC, Binary, and Text files. The first 3 tracks of a DOS 3.3 disk contain the Disram on this disk, please send $30 directly to: DSR, Inc. 5848 Crampton Ct. Rockford, IL 61111 You will receive a User Support Number and a Validation Sticker as proof of payment. You will also get the latest version of the program! Your Diversi-DOS(tm) PLEASE COPY THIS DISK AND GIVE IT TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW! It is legal to copy and distribute Diversi-DOS, subject to certain restrictions (see "Licensing Information"). However, to legally run the Diversi-DOS prog THE DIVERSI-DOS MASTER PROGRAMHAS BEEN CHANGEDPROGRAM ABORTED L<< %HELLO SMART PEOPLE/PLEASE DON'T TAKE OUT MY MESSAGES/THANKS/BILL BASHAMhhߚHHL#lmL #t$u$ # # XN0L-A0?$4 ) ɍ FN$ # #плFR$ LX # # O$P$N$LY `$L DLSAVBPILOCUNLOCIBPIBPIBPPRBPIBLISCALBPIBUZZOF` IH  /JJJJ"LL뷩 ᷩ췩 ɛ L vL L L#L#뷍췩  # `L^ _ If `` 54- #l#m뷍f n(` u` #`H I $ HH!"h"h!                                        ot Diversi-DOS. BUFFER may not work with programs which change locations $36 to $39. Also, the Applesoft CHRGET routine is modified. This may cause problems with programs which also patch here (i.e. compilers). To install BUFFER without patching CHRGETthe full width of the printer (Set the switch on your printer to do a line feed when the line buffer is full). When you BRUN BUFFER, INIT and Integer CHAIN are disabled(Applesoft chain still works). INIT is ignored, with no error. To restore INIT, re-bofeatures of the printer card. Commands to the printer card will no longer have an effect. These commands must now be done with POKE's (see "Diversi-DOS POKE's"). Instead of ctrl-I 80N, enter POKE 49028,96. This turns off output to the screen and prints int buffer. Most other 32-128K cards work like Saturn cards. When you finish entering the changes, insert your disk. The new BUFFER file will be written onto this disk. Notes: BUFFER does not work with 64K DOS. The print buffer disables the software L" option, and most serial cards work with the "COMMUNICATIONS" option (i.e. Versa-Card, CCS 7710, etc.). If your card type is not listed, contact DSR. Any 16K RAM card will work. If you have a 32-128K card from Saturn or Legend, you can get a larger pr PR#1:CALL 1002 Modifying BUFFER: To modify BUFFER for other hardware, use option #5 and answer the questions. The old Apple "Serial Card", and the Silentype card cannot be supported due to design limitations. Most parallel cards work with the "PARALLEext job, since the characters are safely stored and will be printed when the printer is ready. The print buffer is installed when you BRUN BUFFER. To turn on the printer, enter PR#1 as usual. In a program, you must enter: 10 PRINT CHR$(4);"PR#1" or 10 until the printer is ready. Since the printer is slow, this wastes time. The print buffer stores the characters to be printed until the printer is ready for them. Even though the characters have not actually been printed, the computer can go on to its naracter will be waiting in the buffer. The result is a program which does not respond to the keyboard. If this happens, you can disable the keyboard buffer(option #5). Print Buffer: When the computer tries to send a character to a printer, it must waitmputer is processing a previous command. Since this feature is done entirely in software, some programs will not be compatible. If a BASIC program reads the keyboard with PEEK's instead of GET or INPUT, then the PEEK will never find a character. That chrd Buffer: Anything you type on the keyboard is stored in memory so it is not missed. If the computer is reading the disk, for example, characters which you type will be stored until the computer is ready. Thus, you can enter another command while the coowing statement to your "HELLO" program: 0 ? CHR$(4);"BRUN BUFFER" BUFFER assumes that you have a parallel printer card in slot #1, and a 16K RAM card in slot #0. If you have different hardware, you need to modify the BUFFER routine (see below). Keyboaroy the disk. Making Back-Up Copies Option #4 now runs the COPYA program to make back-up copies of Diversi-DOS. Keyboard/Print Buffer Utilities Menu option #6 writes the BUFFER file onto a disk. To install the keyboard and print buffers, add the follk to boot Diversi-DOS and start the protected program. Many protected programs will not work when you try this procedure. This is because they use a non-standard DOS. *WARNING* Do not add Diversi-DOS to a protected disk using option #2. This might destd disk. You can make the process more convenient. Press "9" from the main menu. Then enter this program: 10 INPUT "PUT IN DISK AND HIT RET"; A$ 20 PRINT CHR$(4);"RUN HELLO" (or other startup name) Put in a blank disk and type INIT HELLO. Use this disunning the startup program on the disk. Option 3 will do this for you. Insert the protected disk and press . The name of the start-up program appears, and it is RUN. This bypasses the loading of the old DOS 3.3 operating system from the protectee-time fee for all their programs. To do this, the following message must appear in the written documentation: This disk contains a high-speed operating system called Diversi-DOS(tm), which is licensed for use with this program only. To legally uset directly to DSR. To obtain a Diversi-DOS license, validation sticker, and the latest disk, please send $30 to: DSR, Inc. 5848 Crampton Ct. Rockford, IL 61111 815 877-1343 (Visa/MC) Publishers: Publishers may license Diversi-DOS for a $200, onsticker attached (unless the program or computer is owned by a licensed publisher - see below). 3. Any company, club, or individual may charge up to $5.00 for distributing copies of Diversi-DOS, provided it is clear that an additional $30 fee must be sen and distribution of the program subject to the following restrictions: 1. Anyone receiving a copy of Diversi-DOS must send a $30 license fee directly to DSR, Inc. within 2 weeks. 2. Each computer running Diversi-DOS must have a Diversi-DOS validation H CALL-151 1D00<9D00.BFFFM 9190G 1D00<9D00.BFFFV Also, $3D0 to $3FF is changed. BSAVE lengths up to $FFFF are allowed. With DDMOVER after a BLOAD $BF51=length $BF55=address Licensing Information Although Diversi-DOS is copyrighted, DSR allows copying with $9D5E and $9D5F (not $3F0,$3F1). This insures that DOS is also reset. The reading of text files is only speeded up with INPUT (in BASIC) or JSR $FD6A or JSR $FD6F. To find the locations of the Diversi-DOS patches: Boot Standard DOS 3.3 BLOAD PATC-DOS does not disturb $45. Version 4-C fully supports interrupts. With DDMOVER, use the following interrupt return: LDA #$20 CMP $BF7C STA $BF7C BEQ DORTI BIT $C083 DORTI LDA $45 RTI This also works without DDMOVER(but not with BUFFER). Hook resetolling: After you BRUN BUFFER, location $BF87 contains the routine which checks the keyboard and printer. If you write an assembly language routine, you should JSR $BF87 every 10 msec or less. A,P are destroyed / X,Y are preserved. Interrupts: Diversies not work with compiled programs. Advanced Programming Information To write these instructions to a text file: LOAD HELLO 1120 ?D$;"OPEN INSTR" 1121 ?D$;"WRITE INSTR" 1165 ?D$;"CLOSE" RUN Then choose the option to send instructions to a printer. P CHR$(4);"WRITE RAN" 40 FOR RE=0 TO 1000 50 CALL 1005 60 PRINT "TEST" 70 NEXT 80 PRINT CHR$(4);"CLOSE RAN" Diversi-DOS speeds up text files without CALL 1005, but using CALL 1005 may be even faster (especially for record lengths < 64). Note: CALL 1005 doStandard method: 10 PRINT CHR$(4);"OPEN RAN,L10" 20 BY=0 30 FOR RE=0 TO 1000 40 PRINT CHR$(4); "WRITE RAN,R";RE;",B";BY 50 PRINT "TEST" 60 NEXT 70 PRINT CHR$(4);"CLOSE RAN" CALL 1005 method (optional): 10 PRINT CHR$(4);"OPEN RAN,L10" 20 BY=0 30 PRINTom Access Text Files There is an optional way to specify the "R" and "B" parameters for a random access text file. CALL 1005 sets these parameters to the values in the variables named "RE" and "BY". The following example shows how to use this feature. ......End of Data 6......File Not Found 7......Volume Mismatch 8......I/O Error 9......Disk Full 10......File Locked 11......Syntax Error 12......No Buffers Available 13......File Type Mismatch 14......Program Too Large 15......Not Direct Command Randter "off-line" before pressing RESET. CALL 47748 to flush the keyboard buffer in a progam. IF PEEK(40429)<>PEEK(40430) then a key has been pressed. Diversi-DOS Error Numbers 1......Language Not Available 2,3....Range Error 4......Write Protected 5thout BUFFER. You will INIT instead of printing! Flushing the Buffers: Enter ctrl-X to flush the keyboard buffer. To flush the print buffer, enter ctrl-X twice in a row. RESET does not flush the print buffer. To avoid hanging the system, set the prin: 10 ?CHR$(4);"BRUN BUFFER" 20 POKE 46965,16 To use BUFFER with Applewriter I, use the printer address $AE8E and add the following line to the HELLO program: 0 IF PEEK(40222)=78 THEN ?CHR$(4); "BRUN BUFFER":POKE 49028,96 Be careful not to use $AE8E wiss "D" to add 64K DOS to this disk. Menu option #7 will BSAVE the file, DDMOVER, onto your disk. If you added 64K DOS to your disk with option #2, then you don't need the DDMOVER file. However, BRUN DDMOVER will move 48K Diversi-DOS to the RAM card. Useoved. You can avoid the move by hitting during the boot (IF PEEK(55)>190 then DOS was moved). Note: To INIT a blank disk to boot 64K Diversi-DOS, you must first INIT the disk with standard 48K Diversi-DOS (or DOS 3.3). Then use option #2, and prege card) giving about 10K added memory. You will also have many new features! (see next section) 64K Diversi-DOS requires a 16K RAM card in slot #0 (Apple //e OK), and Applesoft ROM on the motherboard. If they are not present, Diversi-DOS will not be mOAD COPY.OBJ40" SAVE COPYA40 BLOAD COPY.OBJ0 POKE 770,40 POKE 863,40 BSAVE COPY.OBJ40,A$2A0,L$12B 64K Diversi-DOS Use option #2 and press "D" to put 64K Diversi-DOS onto your disk. When this disk boots, Diversi-DOS will be moved to a RAM card(or languaer BRUN BUFFER) POKE 48885,1 POKE 48975,128 POKE 48990,139 To avoid printing on the screen when you BRUN BUFFER: BLOAD BUFFER POKE 34488,190 BSAVE BUFFER,A$8000,L$6FA To back-up 40-track disks, modify COPYA as follows: LOAD COPYA 70 PRINT CHR$(4);"BLt 0, change DOS as follows: POKE 42424,N*16+128 POKE 42432,N*16+129 If you have an Integer machine and use a RAM card in slot #0 to load Applesoft, you can still get a 4K print buffer as follows: BLOAD BUFFER POKE 34451,16 BSAVE BUFFER,A$8000,L$6FA (Aftrns off line feed after carriage return POKE 46849,169 - Allows input of ctrl-C If you have an old Integer machine with an APPLESOFT ROM card: BLOAD BUFFER POKE 32915,N (N is ROM card slot #) BSAVE BUFFER,A$8000,L$6FA If the ROM card is not in sloOKE 63261,96:POKE 49058,0:CALL 49054:POKE 49058,181:POKE 63261,32 After you "BRUN BUFFER", the following POKE's will modify the printing: POKE 49028,96 - Turns off output to the screen when printing POKE 49028,76 - Turns it back on POKE 44762,96 - Tuthis way. However, an occasional drive will destroy disks. To find the number of free sectors from within a program (requires free space patch): 10 POKE 48376,96:CALL 48351:POKE 48376,32 20 FR=PEEK(70)*256+PEEK(68) With DDMOVER change line 10 to: 10 P1: POKE 40287,216 With DDMOVER, use 48918-9, not 40286-7. To avoid reloading a RAM card with BASIC on every boot: POKE 49107,173 To speed up DOS even more, change the motor start time to 1/2 sec with: POKE 47102,236 99% of drives will work correctly re free sectors. (DDMOVER does this automatically) If you boot a data disk by mistake, you will have to press . POKE 42348,22 POKE 44723,4 POKE 46922,96 Reset Trapping: Reset=RUN POKE 40286,102: POKE 40287,213 Reset goes to ONERR POKE 40286,10hear about Diversi-DOS from your dealer, please pay him the extra $10. He earned it! You will then send $30 to DSR for the license and latest disk. Diversi-DOS POKE's After the following POKE's, INIT will initialize non-bootable "Data" disks with 32 moS. Apple requires that publishers obtain a license to distribute DOS 3.3 disks. For more information, call Apple License Dept. (408 973-4771) Diversi-DOS from clubs or dealers Clubs and dealers may charge a $10 distribution fee for Diversi-DOS. If you ers: Each additional computer license fee is $25, up to a maximum of $200 for all the computers owned by a company. Note: DOS 3.3 is a copyrighted program of Apple Computer, Inc. licensed to DSR to distributed for use only in combination with Diversi-DOnd ASMDIV, on their disk at no charge. The disk must be initialized with standard DOS 3.3. The user then has the option of adding Diversi-DOS to the disk, and sending the $30 to DSR, or using standard DOS without paying an additional fee. Multiple Comput Diversi-DOS with other programs, you may send $30 directly to: DSR, Inc., 5848 Crampton Ct., Rockford, IL 61111. You will receive a Diversi-DOS utility disk with documentation. Alternatively, publishers may include the 2 Diversi-DOS files, HELLO ad the DVORAK keyboard table: BLOAD DVORAK//E or BLOAD DVORAK//+ Then hit all the keys to find out what their new meanings are. Good luck! NOTE: You can change the insert mode key from ctrl-I to ctrl-J as follows: LOAD HELLO 87 POKE 35186,138 RUN (ae> key into a real delete: ctrl-I ctrl-@ ctrl-U ctrl-I ctrl-H ctrl-I ctrl-I To save a macro table, enter: BSAVE MACRO,A$DC00,L$100 You can use other file names, besides "MACRO". To load a macro table: BLOAD MACRO To loactrl-D and ctrl-T keys. Hit them to see! If you make a mistake in macro mode, hit <--. It's just like normal insert mode except for ctrl-@. To include the <-- (same as ctrl-H), or ctrl-I keys in a macro, hit first. Here's how to turn your ctrl-I You have now re-defined the er macro-define mode. Ctrl-@ is shift-ctrl-P (II+) or shift-ctrl-2 (//e). Your current macro definitions (if any) will appear. First press the key you want to define. It will appear flashing on the screen (lowercase letters show new symbols). Then type character, or many characters, whenever it is pressed. Use this feature to enter common phrases or commands with a single keystroke, or make your own custom editing keys. To re-define a key, first hit ctrl-I to enter insert mode. Then hit ctrl-@ to entto delete. To exit insert mode, hit ctrl-I again. Note that the cursor stops flashing while in insert mode. Also, only part of the input buffer is shown with 80-col cards. 12. Keyboard Macros You can re-define any key on your keyboard to produce a newre displayed, and can be copied with -->. 11. INSERT MODE When you are copying a line with -->, you can insert by hitting ctrl-I. This freezes the cursor in place, and displays the input buffer backwards from the cursor. Type your insertion, or hit <-- o single-space, "D" to double space, ":" to split multiple statement lines, ";" to cancel the split, to return to the start line, ctrl-C or to abort. For easier line copying with the --> key, TLIST does not indent . Control characters aeen into the program in memory. (use and --> ). This is one of TLIST's most powerful features. If you don't enter a filename, you will TLIST the program in memory. TLIST,L100 or TLIST During a BASIC TLIST, hit to advance one line, "S" t to screen When you TLIST a text file, it displays on the screen. Hit to abort, or to pause. When you TLIST a BASIC file, you can specify a starting line (defaults to first line): TLIST PROG,L100 Then you can copy this line off the scrn use "?" instead of "=". Hit Y or N to pick the proper file. (Don't use "=" or "?" by itself) 9. Lowercase is accepted. 10. 3 additional DOS commands: PAD - Print "A" and "L" of last BLOAD C - Catalog (from keyboard only) TLIST filename - List file00) 8. Wildcard File Names: Use "=" to avoid typing the entire file name. You get the first file in the Catalog which matches all characters before the "=". I.E. type RUN H= instead of RUN HELLO, if HELLO is the first file beginning with "H" . You ca any higher) HIMEM moves down for MAXFILES>3 4. Error messages print 5. Hit to abort a CATALOG 6. BSAVE without "A" and "L" after a BLOAD, for example: BLOAD BFILE BSAVE BFILE 7. RUN can have "L", i.e. RUN filename,L100 (runs from line 1ER need patches to work with 64K DOS. To patch them, EXEC FIX FID, or EXEC FIX RENUMBER. * NEW FEATURES * * 64K DOS * 1. CATALOG shows "Free Sectors" 2. Type INIT X to format non-bootable disks (with 32 extra free sectors) 3. HIMEM=48896 (don't set this file with CORVUS (after BRUN PATCH), or if you want to make the DOS move optional after the boot. You can BRUN DDMOVER from within a program without destroying the program as follows: 10 ?CHR$(4);"BRUN DDMOVER" 20 (continue program) FID and RENUMBl6QUADRAM APIC/G Ϳп ɿϿ ̿`DUMPLING GXȿ Ϳп ɿI̿IϿ`GRAPPLER (OLD)ȿ LȿCCS 7720Bȿl6MPI AUTOPLOTϿп ѿҿ7ӿ`ALS PRINTERMATEϿl6CPS PARALLEL@@N7O N#NN`CPS SERIALl6GRAPPLER +7ʿ l6PKASO@@ȿ wan Lx $x<@` $x  `x@ i@``PARALLEL `COMMUNICATIONSl6SUPER SERIALp.OBJ0,A$93FE,L$44 TEST it on a back-up data disk!u added 64K DOS to your disk with option #2, then you don't need the DDMOVER file. However, BRUN DDMOVER will move 48K Diversi-DOS to the RAM card. Use this file with CORVUS (after BRUN PATCH), or if yous * * * * * Use COPYA (or FID) to make a copy of the BPI disk. Then use option #2, but press "X" instead of to add Diversi-DOS to the copy. If the BPI disk contains "I/O.OBJ0", change it as follows: BLOAD I/O.OBJ0 CALL-151 9421:A8 AC BSAVE I/O on an old Integer machine, BRUN FID to transfer the files "APPLESOFT" and "FPBASIC" from your DOS 3.3 system master to this disk. However, I recommend you get an Applesoft ROM board and switch the ROM's to your motherboard (ask your dealer). BPI Program mail. The updated disk may be purchased from DSR for $5.00 or you can get them from a friend without payment. Licensed users will also be notified of any new programs released by DSR. Old Apple II (Integer) Computers * * * * * To get this disk to bootekdays between 3 and 5 P.M. (Central Time) for support. This is Diversi-DOS version 4-C. "4" refers to the Master Disk version. "C" refers to the DOS version (displayed during a CATALOG). If the program is updated, all licensed users will be notified bypy of Diversi-DOS. If you modify Diversi-DOS, the menu will show version number 4-C*. The "*" shows that changes have been made. To eliminate the beeps, reboot and make a copy (option 4). User Support and Updates * * * * * Licensed users may call on wewith Corvus DOS. To correct the COPY3 program: LOAD COPY3 50 X=76:DV=3 SAVE COPY3 Checksum Feature * * * * * When this disk boots, it checksums itself. If any bytes of the program are changed, you will hear 2 beeps. This indicates a bad or modified co the file "PATCH" onto a disk. BRUN PATCH converts standard DOS 3.3 into DIVERSI-DOS. This can be used to convert a running DOS to Diversi-DOS, i.e. with hard disks or RAM disk emulators. Corvus Hard Disk DOS * * * * * PATCH and DDMOVER are compatible dd 64K DOS to disk again) When running 64K DOS, POKE 49007,0 disables ctrl-I completely. POKE 49007,137 to re-enable. To disable macros and ctrl-I(if they cause problems): POKE 57006,32:POKE 57007,30:POKE 57008,191 PATCH file * * * * * Option 8 savesLڍhhیڬ<۠x )ڠ8۬ڰ(HH `ȹ0,Ȍ ɍ  ɠ )?, @, LB LƠ LLւ&LݩLL#B B!P`LIH & `&æL şL 𤄅Oٿ &`H`ߪ~1 9 rzH I$$ٿɓ O ] Ƀ7ɮ fh 'Ɋ Ў ]ɍ)Ь hl6XR#>P`R`i `       KEYBOARD BUFFER ---> INSTALLEDDISABLED PRINTER R.A.M. CARD TYPE -> SLOT -> PRINTER CARD DIVERSI-DOS(TM) 4-C C1983 BILL BASHAM R.O.M. CARD NONE(4AKT_nw`~‚҂  t`H 0 RI@ CF#H O}h #"` &L    0 L H h @86` ׂ؂  `    L`PARALLEL 16K - STANDARD smqqtmrr{myy|mzzqyuwx0 ` C C C C`ĭ߼\ Bl şL/Ơ!߼DF DF /L\CA :"DR. ALFRED HUETHIG VERLAG":"HEIDELBERG POSTF. 102869"u堧ͬԠŠƍԍԠŠ΍΍ƍϠōύ΍ϠŮčϠ͍Ġ͍ƠŠϠҺҍƍϠȍŠº΍ϠҺҍŠҠͽ͍ŠϠЍϠōϠŠЩΧŠϠЍōƠƍōͮĠŠºΠؠԠˠƍō٠٠ԠCA :"DR. 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