The ctī RAM Upgrade Version
The cīt version of the modification is the
latest and most sophisticated version of the upgrade from 48 kB
to 192 kB. The first big difference is the fact that it is
complete different from the other both modifications in the
point that it does NOT USE THE GAMEPORT as a specific "adress /
bank / switching" like the other two modifications.
The other two modifications always had the lack that the
additional software and a part of the hardware had to be
deactivated if the apple was used with games that offered use of
the switches of the paddles or joystick. That wasnīt a real
disadvantage at the early days of the apple ][ - because in
those days there were only very few games availiable to the
apple ][.
And another big difference was that the both other versions
in fact basicaly could only be used with the
pseudo-disk-emulation. The use by the programmer for additional
RAM-work-area for example as additional hires-/ or lores-pages
in the software was restricted by the fact that the TPA area
conflicted with the "primary-original-RAM-bank" and that for
example made difficulties while compilation of the programs
with a compiler.
This new modification offered
an entire new kind of access to the
additional memory and it offered not only the use as
RAM-disk but in fact the user could also use the additional
memory with slight modification also to get CPM 3.0 running at
this kind of modification ! The big difference is that this
modification uses own chips for the decoding of the additional
RAM and therefor there is no conflict with any game and
it is the genious coup of this
modification that the relevant "switches" that are requested for
the handling of the additional RAM are in fact related to the
area reserved for the cassette interface and some unused area
located within the area of the slots but unused area above and
below of the real slots !
This is in fact a complete new and
alternative kind of modification. The modification to the
cloneboard above at the entry of this page is based on the
c`t modification !
Throughout the developement of the
different 3 modifications in the time from 1979 till February
1987 ( when this modification had been published in the german
c`t magazine) I have performed on 3 clone-boards each of the
modifications and finaly the last one published in cīt was the
one that finally convinced me.
The fact that it offered a switch to
simply ensure the compatibility to original apple ][ was the one
argument and the second was the fact that adressing was
performed with "switch-code-area" that was
located in an reserved and unused adressspace that ensured that
no conflict will occure with any other kind of software
due to the fact that this area is really abandoned by any kind
of regular software and the fact that the cassetteinterface is
out of use for years due to the fact that in normal systems only
disks or harddisks are used as storage devices.
At the moment iīm locked up in several
private duties and therefor this modification is just introduced
in short scetch and without translations - but in 4 to 5 months
when the running "tasks" have been solved iīll take myself time
to perform translation of the german text to english. |