making of
for the missing IFcard of the alpha syntauri Keyboard |
In the upper part
of the page there is the description of making a "prototype
looking card" |
First of all after i have recieved all parts of the alpha syntauri system with the Mountain Computer Music System except of the missing alpha syntauri Apple II Interfacecard i decided to speed up things by making "on the fly" a "prototype like" interfacecard. the target is to get very fast a working setup, that permits me to check all components and the availiable software for correct basic functions. While entering data in the CAD system and getting the files required for ordering a replacement PCB with professional look i have the chance to get proof if anything is missing and that the circuitplan made for the Interfacecard turns out to be correct and gets verified. Besides i may recognize if the files i have picked from the archives in the internet for the system are working correct or if i have to continue hunting for somethiong that still is missing. At the stage this picture has been made i only have mede the connections for the powersuppplylines. I keep the layout of the card same as the original. ![]() Thatīs the rear soldering side of the card at this point: ![]()
At this stage i have have made the card up to the
point that i was able to detect from traces recognized from the picture
of the soldering side
At this point i must
state, that for the final documentation i am still searching for
pictures of the second version of the interface card that was sold later by alpha syntauri. That version did not have a DB25 connector on the interface card but instead Pinrows on top of the card. See at the bottom of the first page the very last picture. Itīs only thing i found about that card. That card was also sold with the ALF card instread of the Mountain Computer Music System. So if anybody has pictures , information, manuals, software of that second version please contact me at Applefritter.com . You may contact me there with my nickname "speedyG". |
After finally getting
the missing pictures of the Interfacecard which have displayed the
traces below the circuits, it was passible to generate the productiondata that enables the user to get a chance of ordering a professional looking replacement interfacecard from any PCB-manufacturer. This alternate
interfacecard is deffent from the original interfacecard by several
marks: |
here is the circuitplan of this alternate
interfacecard:![]() and here now is the view to the combination of both layers:
Here is now the solderingside of the new
alternate alpha syntauri interfacecard:![]() |
and here is now the view to the unpopulated
componentside of the alternate alpha syntauri interface card:![]() |
finally the view to the population of the
and finally here is the completed and
populated interfacecard of the alpha syntauri:
and for those with incomplete system and missing interface is the link to the file that contains the so called "Gerber-files" used for production of the replacement interfacecard and mailed to the PCB manufacturer: ASalternateGerber.rar Please recognize : the measurement unit used in this files is Millimeters / Centimeters and not inches ! Please inform manufacturer on this important fact !