upgrading an Apple //e to a Apple IIGS |
No.:GS02 |
Several of us "old guys" that play around with Apple-computersystems
have some shelves with plenty spare stuff - so this probably
be a task that you might want to execute....
Apple offered in the beginning time of the introduction of the IIGS
the possibility to upgrade the //e to a IIGS with an
Upgrade-Kit. In fact you
donīt really need a kit to do this, because every IIGS-mainboard
with the ROM 0 or ROM 1 can be used for this. All these
Mainboards have
the area labelled with "Keyboard" and if you take a closer look to
tha Powerplugarea you will recognize that also a sparearea is
to be populated with a powerconnector as it was used with the old
apple powersupplies.
You might chose to populate that plug or alter a powersource with a
straigt plug to fit on the normal connectionpins. I altered the
plug at
the powersource. In the following pictures below the project is
documented step by step.
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